
Digital Imaging Technician

I was one of the first DITs in Austria. In 2009 I started working in the industry in this profession. Since then I have done countless national and international projects in the field of TV, streaming, cinema and commercials.

As a DIT I provide full service including my own DIT van which serves as mobile post productions studio (incl. 55″ OLED monitoring, AC, battery power, 5G antenna). I’m experienced with cameras from all manufacturers and of course with troubleshooting and finding solutions.

My service includes among others: look- / data- / metadata workflow planing & execution, consulting, technical prep, camera setup, monitor calibration, look development, LUT creation, data management & backup incl. LTO, QC, dailies grading (best light), transcoding for web dailies and editing, onSet highspeed upload, communication with post production (post house, editing, VFX) and final colorgrading.

See some of my references at crew-united and imdb
and feel free to contact me.


DIT VAN – outside and inside

Projects (Selection)